Friday, December 23, 2011

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today was beautiful!  Clear and warm—perfect weather for sanding, scrubbing, and painting.

In the morning, we scrubbed out the loras cages again.  Cleaning up after them reminded me of a good friend I have who used to go to great lengths not to park under trees.  He said the bird poop was really hard to get off his car.  I don’t drive, so I always thought that was the exaggeration of an overprotective (read anal) autophile…until this week!   A. K.  I will never chuckle under my breath at your parking habits again!

Hanging out for somewhat extended periods of time in the loras cages always proves quite interesting, though.  Yesterday, one decided to perch in my hair!  It stomped around up there and proceeded to laugh at me!  Today, it was wolf whistles and this…!

After a morning of cleaning, we moved on to paint cages in the afternoon.  Well, actually it was one cage.  In the end, it was hard to tell whether we painted it, or vice versa…

After work, Adriana (one of the amazing employees at the project) took us to the Super Cindy to buy a phone card.  I walked in, and was immediately transported back to the golden days of my youth…they had TANG!  But not just the one measely flavor that was available to me as a child, oh no!  Look at this!  They even had horchata flavored Tang!

And back at Rosi’s, another blast from the past.  The sobrinos were hanging out for the evening, and they were a joy in and of themselves. However, Alejandro is holding in his hand (just under the counter) a small white racecar with a red letter “M” on its hood.  and a five on each of its side doors…  I was in oddly dubbed anime heaven!  Mach GoGoGo.! (aka Speed Racer)

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